What is GoGreenGU?

GoGreenGU is a student and Staff-supported forum for going green at Gonzaga University, in Spokane Washington.

While recycling and riding your bike are great ways to enter into the “go green or go home” arena, there is a lot more that can be done to start living a lifestyle that cares for the Earth. Educating ourselves on the effects of consumption, how people are affected by environmental degradation, simple changes that can make big differences and sharing that knowledge with others is as much a step toward sustainable living as recycling.

Thus, we here at GoGreenGU want to share the things we learn with all of our readers. We’ll do the digging and bring it here so you can keep writing that paper that’s due at 5:00pm today.

If you have suggestions for articles or topics you think we should cover, let us know!! We’d love to hear from you (unless you are going to say mean things…in that case we don’t want to hear from you).


Keep going green GU!

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